UK Couple Losses £35 Million Lottery Jackpot Due to App Glitch

An old couple from the United Kingdom thought they had won a lottery jackpot worth £35 million, but didn’t get a penny from the money because of app glitch. According to Camelot that organizes the lottery draw, the couple failed to successfully buy the £2 ticket on the Internet. Media reports read that the Nylans choose the six winning numbers generated randomly by a phone app, but the app didn’t register their purchase.

The couple tried to buy the lottery ticket on December 23, 2015, but the account owned by Edwina Nylan showed that she didn’t have enough money to buy it. Edwina then topped up her account before purchasing the ticket with the six winning numbers.

“I’m very shocked, but what can we do,” said Edwina, a grandmother of seven children. She said that her husband used the lotto phone app to pick the numbers. However, when they called the lottery operator they were told that the ticket hadn’t been purchased because they only had 60p in the account.

The grandmother also said that they usually get notifications via e-mail after buying tickets, but she admitted that she didn’t remember to check her e-mail because she was busy with the Christmas holidays. Nevertheless, the couple is trying to get the lottery operator pay out the jackpot despite the app glitch.

According to Camelot, the UK couple tried to purchase the lottery ticket several times on December 23 from 19:00 onwards, but the purchase was unsuccessful because there was insufficient money in the account to buy it. Another person at Camelot said that only tickets what are successfully bought can take part in the lottery draw, therefore, players must ensure that they have enough money in their accounts to buy them.